S.U.C.C.E.S.S. Code™ Leadership Programmes
The Accelerator and Masterclass Programmes are not your ‘typical’ management/leadership development experience! Although there are several toolkits to help on the technical elements of leading others, these programmes fundamentally develop true leadership authenticity and self-reflection against each of the seven component parts that make up the Leadership SUCCESS Code™.
Over two full days, delegates discuss, debate, reflect and then commit to the personal actions they will take, in order to ‘lead and inspire’ their teams against the seven key components at the heart of the Leadership SUCCESS Code™. A third full day is usually arranged about one month later to ensure consolidation and action plan implementation as well as tackle any barriers to implementation.
Both programmes provide an amazing opportunity for participants to work in-person with Steve McNicholas, creator of the SUCCESS Code™. Key themes explored include the critical need for personal OWNERSHIP & ACCOUNTABILITY. The vital element of candor in tackling PERFORMANCE & PROBLEMS. Why clarity in ENGAGEMENT & EXPECTATION is a must. LIMITING BELIEFS are explored and often shattered. Several other core themes are also discussed and considered in order to equip delegates with a much deeper understanding and application of the key elements that make up the Leadership SUCCESS Code™.
S.U.C.C.E.S.S. Code™ Accelerator Programme
The Accelerator Programme is a live event for delegates to understand, apply and leverage the components of the SUCCESS Code™ methodology. ​The programme provides an amazing opportunity for new-to-role or emerging managers/leaders to work in-person with Steve McNicholas, creator of the SUCCESS Code™.  Participants will discuss, reflect, consider and then agree how they might apply the seven core leadership fundamentals in their role as new ‘managers and leaders’ in order to succeed and achieve in their role, team or business today! The Accelerator programme is run over 3 full days.  Part 1 is a two-day workshop to understand the core elements of the leadership SUCCESS Code™ as well as agree a personalised plan for reflection, change and of course, implementation.  Part 2 is a one-day session typically run some 30 days later where a refresh of the core elements is provided as well as reflecting upon implementation of committed action plans and overcoming any perceived barriers to success. ​In both the Accelerator and Masterclass programmes, delegates will form a greater self-awareness, deeper understanding and an ability to apply these proprietary strategies to drive the success, results and outcomes they are seeking as managers and leaders.  The content is flexed between the Accelerator and Masterclass programme to reflect experience and tenure on the manager/leader journey.
An understanding of the core elements ofthe SUCCESS Code™ and how you as a ‘new to role’ or aspiring manager and leader, can harness these insights to achieve your critical and most pressing leadership goals or objectives and importantly, sustain that performance and success.
Three Days, split over a 2 day and 1 day workshop format.
Depending upon delegate numbers and location. Please contact us for details
S.U.C.C.E.S.S. Code™ Masterclass Programme
The Masterclass Programme is a live event for delegates to understand, apply and leverage the components of the SUCCESS Code™ methodology. ​The programme provides an amazing opportunity for more experienced managers and leaders, to work in-person with Steve McNicholas, creator of the SUCCESS Code™ . Participants will discuss, reflect, consider and then agree how they might apply the seven core leadership fundamentals in their role as new ‘managers and leaders’ in order to succeed and achieve in their role, team or business today! The Masterclass programme is run over 3 full days.  Part 1 is a two-day workshop to understand the core elements of the leadership SUCCESS Code™ as well as agree a personalised plan for reflection, change and of course, implementation.  Part 2 is a one-day session typically run some 30 days later where a refresh of the core elements is provided as well as reflecting upon implementation of committed action plans and overcoming any perceived barriers to success. ​In both the Accelerator and Masterclass programmes, delegates will form a greater self-awareness, deeper understanding and an ability to apply these proprietary strategies to drive the success, results and fulfilment they are seeking as managers and leaders. The content is flexed between the Accelerator and Masterclass programme to reflect experience and tenure on the manager/leader journey.
An understanding of the core elements ofthe SUCCESS Codeâ„¢ and how you as an experienced manager and leader, can harness these insights to achieve your critical and most pressing leadership goals or objectives and importantly, sustain that performance and success.
Three Days, split over a 2 day and 1 day workshop format.
Depending upon delegate numbers and location. Please contact us for details